Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why a Professional Translator?

Why hire a professional translator? Why bother with the additional cost? Isn't it just as good to hire a local college student majoring in the language I want to translate into?

The answer is that poor translations cost more. Translation errors compromise safety, intellectual property and image, as well as the bottom line. By hiring a professional translator, you will save yourself a lot of grief.

There is always pressure to "watch the bottom line," but the cost of professional translation is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the entire cost of any project. Many problems can be prevented by hiring a professional translator.

The fact that someone is "bilingual" does not guarantee that they are fluent in all communication areas, including written communication, or guarantee that they possess the necessary translation skills. In order to accurately translate, the translator must understand the subject area, which means that their knowledge base must be developed both in the language from which they are translating, as well as the language they are translating into. If you can't understand it, you can't translate it.

Savvy translation shoppers know that an expert translation will give them an enormous advantage.

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