Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Interpreter's Take on Potsville, Iowa Raid

Erik Camayd-Freixas, Florida State University Professor, is the author of one of the most brilliant essays written in recent time. Erik's first-hand experience as a Federally Certified Interpreter during the aftermath of the ICE raids on Agriprocessors, Inc., the nation's largest Kosher slaughterhouse and meat packing plant, gives the reader a unique view into the challenges of the interpreting profession, as well as a number of social ills.

Please take the time to read this timely article, and share it with friends and family. Look for more information coming soon to the New York Times on the issue.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


INGCO International is proud to feature VotoLatino,

Get out the word, and get out the vote!

First Culturally-Inspired Wines for Latinos

Palmera Vinos de PasiĆ³n is aiming to celebrate the passions, interests and faces of the Hispanic community. “Our wines have been specifically developed for the Latino consumer both in taste preference and branding,” says Will Arriaga, Community Relations Director for the US-based company. “Our goal is to be the first choice in wine for Latinos...”

Largest 4th of July Celebration Outside the US

The largest Fourth of July celebration outside the United States is celebrated in Rebild Bakker, Denmark. Rebild is located in Northern Jutland, the main peninsula of Denmark. Each year, 10,000-15,000 people gather to celebrate the American Independance Day.

The founder was a Danish-American, Max Henius, who emigrated to the United States in 1881 and settled in Chicago. He never forgot Denmark and he donated the Hills at Rebild to be used as a place for Danish American relations.

During this 90 years the celebrations have been attended by many known Americans including former presidents.Raymon Burr, Richard Nixon, Hubert H Humphrey, Danny Kaye, Walther Cronkite, Victor Borge, Walter Shirra, Walt Disney are a few of the keynote speakers from the last 40 years.

For photos and more information, visit

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Interpreter Services Quality Initiative Signed by Governor

On Thursday, May 29th, Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty signed into law HF1812, which contained the Interpreter Services Quality Initiative, creating an initiative to set a timetable for the development of regulation of medical interpreters.

The Interpreter Services Quality Initiative sets up a roster of medical interpreters at the Minnesota Department of Health, and requires a plan for the development of a registry of interpreters to be developed by January 15, 2010. It also provides for the implementation of a certification process based on the developments of the National Coalition for Healthcare Interpreter Certification one year after such a certification process is developed.

This is a huge step that have been many years in the making. Many individuals dedicated hours to this initiative and worked hand in hand with Kathryn Kmit, representing the health plans in Minnesota, and Rep. Cy Thao, to shape the form and language of the legislation. The Interpreting Stakeholders Group (ISG), an ad-hoc committee of the Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association, led this initiative.

Monday, March 24, 2008

UMTIA annual meeting

I am proud to announce and support UMTIA's upcoming Annual Meeting. It usually pulls a great turn out, and I am sure this year will not disapoint.

Check it out if you are in the area!

April 5th, 2008
1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Nicholson Hall, University of Minnesota

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why a Professional Translator?

Why hire a professional translator? Why bother with the additional cost? Isn't it just as good to hire a local college student majoring in the language I want to translate into?

The answer is that poor translations cost more. Translation errors compromise safety, intellectual property and image, as well as the bottom line. By hiring a professional translator, you will save yourself a lot of grief.

There is always pressure to "watch the bottom line," but the cost of professional translation is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the entire cost of any project. Many problems can be prevented by hiring a professional translator.

The fact that someone is "bilingual" does not guarantee that they are fluent in all communication areas, including written communication, or guarantee that they possess the necessary translation skills. In order to accurately translate, the translator must understand the subject area, which means that their knowledge base must be developed both in the language from which they are translating, as well as the language they are translating into. If you can't understand it, you can't translate it.

Savvy translation shoppers know that an expert translation will give them an enormous advantage.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chop Chop Spanish

INGCO International is proud to announce their partnership with Chop Shop Spanish- one-day intensive industry specific seminars to learn Spanish. Visit our website for more information regarding our educators as well as our uniquely designed curriculumn.

MPR News on multi-lingual Minnesota

Check out some of the interviews and postings on the "multi-lingual Minnesota." Interesting insight to the evolving Minnesota landscape!


This is a great resource for those looking to get involved with the Chicano-Latino community of Minnesota. It is the official site of the Latin American-Multiethnic Association for Networking and Opportunity (LA-MANO) Inc. The first Chicano-Latino created and staffed non-profit service organization in South-central Minnesota, LA-MANO provides a wide range of services to the Chicano-Latino and other immigrant and minority communities.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!!

I am very new at this, so we'll see what I come up with- I am sure I won't be at a loss of words!
I think I will post this to see how it looks before I post something real!